Interior Design Business
Tips & Tricks

3 Ways to Boost Your Energy at Work business goals

It is so common to have an energy slump in the middle of the day that snack food and beverage companies use the idea to sell their products. And I can tell you that I definitely have low-energy times - ok, sometimes I even have low-energy DAYS! But in our biz, we need to keep cranking for as many...

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5 Things You're Doing to Sabotage Your Business business goals

Running your own business is TOUGH! I know, I've been doing it for over 20 years and it can still be challenging. When you're trying your best to hit your goals, you can feel like you're running on a hamster wheel - like you may never get to that success you want. And the scariest part??...

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Why Competition Is a Good Thing business goals interior design

If you notice a serious competitor in your market, you might find yourself frustrated or even a little freaked out. After all, this is your turf! That can lead to frantic changes to your billing or rethinking EVERYTHING you're doing because you think they're going to take your business! Right?!...

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4 Ways to Improve Your Customer Service Game business goals clients

In this world of online and real-world competition, there's only one way to stay ahead of the pack. That's providing stellar customer service, every time to every client! But that isn't always the easiest thing to do, so I have 4 tips that will help you improve your customer service game and...

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How to End the Year on a High Note! business business goals interior design

There is so much excitement this time of year - but if you're a business owner, there's a LOT of stress, too! You're trying to tie up your projects, get your invoices paid, and get paid yourself! It's a whirlwind and it can make you crazy. So how do you end the year on a high note?! Here's a peek...

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Do You Know Your Profit Margins? business business goals interior design return on interiors small business

I know. Chatting about profit margins is so exciting! Ok, I jest. But, the end of the year is coming sooner than you think and I want you to get in the best mindset to review your business for the year!

What are Profit margins?

Profit margins are confusing! Often, designers think that they're...

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